Consulation hours
during lecture free time
Please contact
erwachsenenbildung [at]
for an appointment.
19. July 2016: What to Compare? Comparative Research Issues in Adult Education. Presentation at the International Conference Adult Learning and Education in the Context of Cultural, Professional and Community Development. Problems of Theory, Concept, Policy and Practice. ESRALE International Conference. 19. July 2016. Pecs/Hungary.
19. May 2015: Academic Professionalisation in Adult and Continuing Education in Germany and beyond: From Theory to Research. In: International Institute for Adult and Lifelong Education. Presentation at the Institutions Formacao de Jovens e Adultos der Universidade de Lisboa. 19. May 2015. Lisboa/Portugal.
18. May 2015 : Adult and continuing education in Germany. Presentation at Ciclo de conferencias: Educacao e Formacao de Jovens e Adultos der Universidade de Lisboa. 18. May 2015. Lisboa/Portugal.
7. November 2014: What does "LLL" mean for learners? Consequences for designers and planners of LLL programmes. Presentation at EUCEN Autumn Seminar 2014 of the European University Continuing Education Network. Barcelona/Spain. 6.-7. November 2014
29. August 2014: Academic Professionalisation in Adult and Continuing Education: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives in Germany and Beyond. James A. Draper Memorial Lecture - 2014. International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education. New Delhi/India.
18. July 2014: Europäische Trends in der Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung. (European Trends in Adult and Continuing Education) 4-Lektionen-Seminar im Rahmen des 4. Weiterbildungskongress in Adult and Professional Education. (4th Congress for Continuing Education in Adult and Professional Education) 14.-18. July 2014. Luzern/Switzerland.
8. January 2014: Academic Professionalisation in Adult and Continuing Education in Germany. Präsentation auf dem internationalen Workshop Workshop Academic Professionalisation of Adult Education: An Asia-European Comparison. 8. January 2014. University of Würzburg/Germany.
2. November 2013: Empirical results in academic professionalization in adult and continuing education in Germany. Presentation on the Symposia: Theoretical and Empirical Results in the Context of Academic Professionalization in Adult and Continuing Education. Professionalisation of Adult Educators. International and Comparative Perspectives. 1.-3. November 2013. Bonn/Germany.
13. February 2013: Approaches towards Professionalisation in Adult Education: Interpretivist versus competency approach. Präsentation auf dem Seminar Professional Regulation. School of Education Theory and Methods Seminar. 13. February 2013. University of Glasgow/Schottland.
3. November 2012: Informal Learning of managers in a multinational company in Germany, Great Britain and Spain: an Intercultural Comparison. Plenumspräsentation auf der 5. Conference of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education. 3.-6. November 2012. Las Vegas/USA.
28. September 2012: Professionalitätsentwicklung durch studentische Auslandssemester. (Professional Development through Semesters Abroad) Präsentation auf der Jahrestagung der Sektion Erwachsenenbildung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft. Erwachsenenbildung im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis. (Annual Conference of the Section Adult Education/German Association for Educational Science) Bonn. 27.-29. September 2012.
31. May 2012: Student Mobility in Adult Education Professionalisation Potential for Future Adult Educators. ASEM Forum on Lifelong Learning 2012. ASEM LLL Hub Research Network Meetings. Copenhagen. 29.-31. May 2012.
12. March 2012: Transkulturelle Lernprozesse während studentischer Auslandssemster: eine erste Annäherung mit Fokus auf die Erwachsenenbildung. (Transcultural Learning Processes during Semesters Abroad: a first Approach with Focus on Adult Education) Arbeitsgruppe Individuen und Kollektive in transkulturellen und transnationalen Lernkontexten. 23. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft. (Working Group Individals and Collectives in Transcultural and Transnational Learning Contexts. 23. Congress of the German Association for Educational Science) Osnabrück/Deutschland. 12.-14. March 2012.
6. Februar 2012: Lebenslanges Lernen - Entgrenzung und Begrenzung von Bildungs- und Lernprozessen. (Lifelong Learning - Dislimination and Limitation of Education and Leaning Processes) Präsentation in der Vortragsreihe: Wie aus lebenslangem Lernen Bildung wird an der Universität des 3. Lebensalters in Frankfurt. (Presentation at the Lecture Serices: How Lifelong Learning becomes Bildung at the University of the 3rd Age in Frankfurt) Frankfurt/Deutschland. 9. January-6. February 2012.
11. January 2012: Erwachsenenbildung in Europa. (Adult Education in Europe) Gastvortrag an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz. Professur Erwachsenenbildung und Weiterbildung. (Guest lecture at Technical University of Chemnitz. Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education) Chemnitz/Deutschland. 11. Januar 2012.
10. May 2011: Lifelong Learning and Adult Literacy. Presentation at the International Reading Association Convention 2011. The Power of Literacy. Session: Nurturing Global Understanding through International Literacy Initiatives. Orlando/Florida. 8.-11. May 2011.
2. März 2011: Lebenslanges Lernen und Seniorenbildung. (Lifelong Learning and education for elder people) Keynote auf der Jahrestagung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung Älter zum Thema „Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung Älterer im Kontext von Zielvereinbarungen an Hochschulen". (Keynote at the anual meeting of the federal workig group for University Contining Education for elder people) Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz. 2.-3. March 2011.
25. September 2010: Diverse Meanings in Diverse Contexts: Informal Learning in three European Contexts. Adult Learning in Europe - understanding diverse meanings and contexts. European Society for the Research in the Education of Adults. Triennial conference, Linköping/Sweden, 23.-26. September 2010.
25. September 2010: Job searching in the educational field: students’ needs and strategies for job finding. Adult Learning in Europe - understanding diverse meanings and contexts. European Society for the Research in the Education of Adults. Triennial conference, Linköping/Sweden, 23.-26. September 2010. (together with Valentina Iorio and Sandra Rüffin)
26. August 2010: Career Entry in Adult Education. Education and Cul-tural Change. European Conference on Educational Research 2010. University of Helsinki. Helsinki/Finland, 25.-27. August 2010. (presented by Valentina Iorio and Sandra Rüffin)
13. July 2010: Berufseinstieg von Absolvent/inn/en der Pädagogik, Psychologie und Soziologie im europäischen Vergleich. (International comparison of the career entry of graduates in education, psychology and sociology) Forschungskolloquium des Zentrums für Bildungs- und Hochschulforschung (Research Colloquium of the Center for Education and Higher Education Research), University of Mainz. Mainz/Germany, 11.5.-13.7.2010.
7. July 2010: Informal learning at the workplace: structures within the apparently unstructured. Looking Back, Looking Forward: learning, teaching and research in adult education past, present and future. 40th Annual SCUTREA Conference, University of Warwick. Coventry/Great Britain, 6.-8. July 2010.
17. November 2009: Professionalisierung in der Erwachsenenbildung. Europäische Herangehensweisen und asiatische Einblicke. (Professionalisation in Adult Education. European approaches and Asian insights) Werkstattgespräche der Universität Bielefeld (Workshop discussions of the university of Bielefeld). Bielefeld/Germany.
13. October 2009: Professionalisation of Adult and Lifelong Learning in Germany. Emerging Trends in Education and Training in Lifelong Learning. Neu Dehli/India. 5.-15. October 2009.
29. September 2009: Discussant at the forum: Initial Professional Qualifications of Adult Educators Within and Across Countries. European Conference on Educational Research 2009: Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research. Vienna/Austria. 28.-30. September 2009.
17. September 2009: Europäische Masterstudierende in Beruf und Studium. Adressaten und Format des European Master in Adult Education. (European Master Students in Workplace and Profession. Target Groups and Format of the European Master in Adult Education) Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung: Zehn Jahre nach Bologna - Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen oder Paradigmenwechsel? DGWF-Jahrestagung. (University Continuing Education: Ten years after Bologna - old wine in new inner tubes or paradigm shift?) Berlin/Germany. 16.-18. September 2009. (together with Kirsten Mülheims, M.A.)
29. June 2009: Keynote: Professionalisation in Adult Education: A European Perspective. Keynote auf der asiatisch-europäischen Konferenz: Teacher and Trainer in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. Professional Development in Asia and Europe. Bergisch Gladbach/Germany. 29.-30. June 2009.
24. June 2009: Keynote: Internationale Trends in der Erwachsenenbildung. Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen und europäischen Anforderungen. (International Trends in adult education. Societial Challenges and European Demands) Zukunftsforum 2009 (Future Forum 2009), Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres. Linz/Austria. 24.-26. June 2009
25. November 2008: Professionalisation in Adult Education: German Perspectives. Presentation on the Asia-Europe Conference on Lifelong Learning: Exploring Frameworks for Supporting Lifelong Learning. Beijing/China. 25. November 2008.
30. October 2008: Professionalisation in Adult Education in Germany. Presentation on the ERASMUS-Mundus-Master-Study Programme Lifelong Learning. Danish School of Education/University of Aarhus. Copenhagen/Denmark. 30. October 2008.
28. October 2008: Keynote: Professionalisation in Adult Education in Europe: Developments and Challenges. Schwedisch Conferenz: Yrkesutbildning - en framtida arena för vuxnas lärande (Vocational Education and Learning - A Future Arena for Adult's Learning). Stockholm/Sweden. 28.-29. October 2008.
15. October 2008: Professionalisation in Adult Education in Germany. Presentation with video-live streaming at the International Course of Lectures: Professionalisation in Adult Education. University of Duisburg-Essen. Institut for Vocational Training and Continuing Education. Essen/Germany. 15. October 2008-4. February 2008. (together with Anne Strauch)
10. July 2008: Informal Learning: Inner Driven Processes. Presentation at the international Conference "Intimacy of Learning: A Social Issue". University Duisburg-Essen. Guest chair „Adult and Continuing Education and Learning". Essen/Germany. 10.-11. July 2008.
5. May 2008: Informal Learning in the Workplace. Presentation at the Instituto de Educação e Psicologia der Universidade do Minho. Braga/Portugal. 5. May 2008.
24. February 2005: Informal Learning in betrieblichen Lernkulturen. Eine interkulturelle Vergleichsstudie (Informal learning in companies learning cultures), 3. Workshop Weiterbildungsforschung (3rd Workshop on Research in Continuing Education), Arbeitsgruppe „Weiterbildungsforschung" der Sektion Erwachsenenbildung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). Bergisch Gladbach/Germany. 23.-24. February 2005.
Consulation hours
during lecture free time
Please contact
erwachsenenbildung [at]
for an appointment.