Asia-Europe Meeting Hub for Lifelong Learning: professionalisation of lifelong learning with a special emphasis on teacher training (since 2007)

In 2008 the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Hub for Lifelong Learning established Network 3: Professionalisation of lifelong learning with a special emphasis on teacher training. The ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub creates a platform for dialogue between researchers and politicians. The ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub is divided into five different networks. The first meeting of Network 3 took place in Beijing in November 2008. The Network’s target is the establishment and development of an Asia-Europe exchange on the professionalisation issue. In preparation for the first conference in June 2009, a special issue on the topic ‘Professionalisation of adult education’ was published by the international peer-reviewed Journal for Educational Sciences in Timisoara, Romania. From 29 to 30 June 2009 the conference ‘Teachers and Trainers in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning’ took place in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. Questions concerning the professionalisation, competencies of teachers in adult education and their qualifications were discussed by around 70 educational researchers from Asia and Europe. The current situation in Asia and Europe was discussed, comparisons were made, and common problems and questions were identified. As a result, the basis for common research projects and co-operations were laid.
Following the conference, in summer 2010 a book was published containing contributions from colleagues in Asia and Europe. This identified some general similarities and differences within the professionalisation discussion on both continents. 

Projectcoordination: Prof. Ekkehard Nuissl
(until 2009 Co-Coordination: Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer)
Time: since 2007
Financing: Asia-Europe Foundation, German Institute for Adult Education

Book Publication

Regina Egetenmeyer / Ekkehard Nuissl (eds.)
Teachers and Trainers in Adult and Lifelong Learning
Asian and European Perspectives

Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2010.
223 pp., num. fig. and tab.
ISBN 978-3-631-61298-9 · hardback E (D) 29,80 / E (A) 30,70 / US-$ 43,95 / £ 25,10 / sFr 44,-

What competences are needed in future by people working within adult and lifelong learning? What pathways of professionalisation are available to them in Europe and Asia? What are the actual effects of teacher training? What are the specific responsibilities of adult and continuing education teachers and trainers? The book focuses on teachers and trainers in lifelong learning and their professional development. Therefore it gives an insight into the state of the art of professional development in Southeast Asia, Europe, China and India. Furthermore, professionalisation in adult and lifelong learning is explored under the headings of the effects of teacher
training, role-professionals, competences profiles and the question of responsibility. It also gives an insight into initiatives to professionalise the people working in adult and lifelong learning.


State of art of the professional development of adult and lifelong learning in Southeast Asia, Europe, China and India · Future competences of people working in adult and lifelong learning · Pathways of professionalisation in Europe and Asia · Effects of teacher training · Responsibilities of teachers and trainers 

Book Reviews

Dang, Q. A. In: Revista de È™tiinÈ›e ale educaÈ›iei/Journal of Educational Sciences. Timisoara. No 1. Vol. 12. URL:
Reischmann, J. In: REPORT. Zeitschrift für Weiterbilungsforschung (forthcoming) 

Asiatisch-Europäische Konferenz


Teachers and Trainers in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
Professional Development in Asia and Europe

29.-30. June 2010 in Bergisch Gladbach/Germany

Conference Programm

Conference Papers

In 2005, the German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE) established a European Research Group on Competences (Q-Act Group) in the Field of Adult and Continuing Education (ACE). In May 2007, an interim summary was presented at the conference "Qualifying the Actors in Adult and Continuing Education" in Bad Honnef/Germany. This conference focussed on a number of activity types in ACE, such as: Teaching and Learning, Training and Development, Counselling and Guidance, Policy Making and Managing, Organisation and Technical Support, Evaluating and Assessing. The results of this conference have been published in English (Nuissl/Lattke 2008). Now it seems time to extend the discussion of the European research network to an Asian-European perspective. In this enlarged network, under the umbrella of the ASEM-Hub for Lifelong Learning, the focus is on teachers and trainers in Lifelong Learning contexts.
Looking at Lifelong Learning, we find more and more attention being given to particular people working in that field. In European policy documents, the quality of the teachers is seen as a key factor effecting the quality of the entire adult education (Commission of the European Communities 2006). Therefore the European Union intends to create standards for people working in adult education (European Commission 2007), as other national governments already did. Similarly, increasing efforts concerning personnel working in lifelong learning are taking place in Asia.
This conference will focus on teachers and trainers working in lifelong learning and on their profes-sional development: What competences are needed in future by people working in the field of lifelong learning? What pathways of professionalisation are available to them in Europe and Asia? What are the actual effects of teacher training? What are the specific responsibilities of ACE teachers and trainers? At the conference, we intend to exchange and compare findings, current research results, best practice and views on the situation of the personnel working in Lifelong Learning in Asian and in European countries.

Special Issue
Journal of Educational Sciences 01/2009


IREA Journal    

Teachers and Trainers in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Professional Development in Asia and Europe.

Journal of Educational Sciences, Volume 11, Nr 1 (19), 2009

West University of Timisoara and Romanian Institute of Adult Education, June, 2009 (ISSN 1454 7668)

Simona Sava (editor-in-chief)
Regina Egetenmeyer (guest editor)
Raluca Lupou (co-editor)

The topic of "professionalisation in adult education" has received international attention in the last few years. Two European documents have drawn educational-political attention to it: the Communication from the European Commission (2006, S. 7) "Adult learning: it is never too late to learn" describes the professional development of staff working in the field of adult education as key factor for the overall quality of adult learning. The intention of the "Action Plan on Adult learning" of the European Commission (2007, S. 9) is to formulate standards for the staff working in adult education.

Since October 2007 the Romanian Institute for Adult Eduation and the German Institute for Adult Education have been collaborating in the Asia-Europe Network on Professionalisation of Lifelong Learning with a special emphasis on teacher training under the ASEM-Hub for Lifelong Learning. This network aims at bringing together colleagues from Asia and Europe to work on the topic of professionalisation in adult education. Some papers of this volume are the results of two activities that took place in 2008. This special issue of the Journal of Educational Sciences presents current research results on the topic of professionalisation of adult education. Several papers of this issue were developed, presented and discussed in the above mentioned contexts. Now we are happy to present them together in three parts in this issue of the Journal.



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